No Gold, No Market, No Candlesticks

No Gold, No Market, No Candlesticks

The ownership of Gold in the hands of the civic is an inconvenient actuality for Government. It is an embarrassment, a measuring-stick of the capability of Congress and of the Executive branch to manage the affairs of the simple Gold consign soon be confiscated and removed from perceptive trading in the market, moderate as happened immediately after Franklin Roosevelt was sworn into office as President about 75 years ago

No Gold, No Market, No Candlesticks

No Gold, No Market, No Candlesticks

Investors and traders retain inclination been accustomed to the convenience of remuneration charts of stocks, Indexes, and commodities. Today, in computer show if not yet generally in commercially-available printed charts, the Japanese Candlestick arrangement of cost presentation reveals much further information than old-style clog charts, especially in connection with the mass psychology which underlies remuneration moves Stock prices, of course, are available for demonstrate in this method So are Forex charts and those of the commodities, as well including the charts of Gold

The charts are so confidential to us by now that they bestow us comfort They are a ready citation when analyzing our retain investments as well as the fee movements of the varying monetary instruments. The chart narrative is on or impending our desks, within arms reach. Weve grown accustomed to its face

But soon, object cede be missing The chart romance commit not be the alike at all. A helper measuring-stick entrust be foregone The charts of Gold commit be there no longer

What do I mean, they consign be there no longer? Well, they entrust be there no longer because Gold cede be removed from trading.

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Gold? Removed from trading? What excellence of blather is that?

The answer is, Gold consign be removed from trading because Gold in the hands of the populace is a peril to the designs and perceived needs of the money government. The unchain price of Gold stands as a measuring-stick of the honesty, performance, and credibility of the administrator and legislative branches of government; and it tends to frame in the way of printing dollars at bequeath in order to solve problems which government has itself created or has enabled to happen For centuries, Gold has been, and it still is, the one asset lambaste which fiat financial and the value of all supplementary savings is measured; and it is one of the few cash savings which is not attended by a selfsame obligation It is Money, the Ultimate Money

Gold in the hands of the public is an Inconvenient Truth for Government It is a nuisance and an embarrassment One of Franklin Roosevelts thumping blessing actions upon taking office the finest point was to evince that tame ownership of Gold was illegal He confiscated peoples Gold His declaration had teeth, including prison and radical fines. It was many decades before the mountebank basis which was used in behest to justify the seizure could no longer be sustained, whereupon the peoples remedy to hold Gold was restored to them Of course, they had that redress all along; it had simply been stolen from them all those years

In these perilous times, with Lehman Brothers bankrupt, Merrill Lynch disappearing into Bank of America, and an substantial bailout proposal about to be submitted to Congress which halfway absolutely cede result in the totality of dollars out of gaunt melody and the devaluation of the dollars in the wallets and bank accounts of the citizenry ownership of Gold in pet hands cede become more inconvenient to the cash government than ever. It commit hold to be removed from circulation so that supplementary devaluation of the dollar can be masked and so that the bailout process can stem without this feisty scarcely terrier called Gold nipping at the Treasury Departments ankles.

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Your Gold coins entrust be seized from you Trading in Gold cede disappear We cede no longer be able to see Gold prices displayed in Candlestick arrangement or in any supplementary way; because there cede be no market

Thats my prediction. And the day is not far off

William Kurtz September 21, 2008